The Bridge of Light Exhibition

The Bridge of Light Exhibition:
Rumi, America’s Best Selling Poet And A Voice For Interfaith

As a time-honored voice in the East and now in the West, Rumi bridges our traditions by emphasizing the unity of all humanity. With profound spiritual authority, he declares: “All these religions, all this singing… are just one song.

The Bridge of Light initiative will enhance the important concept of interfaith. This exhibition promotes the Muslim poet as an essential bridge between East and West, making him a symbol for interfaith dialogue. Park51 aims to encourage and support artistic works, such as exhibitions of this kind, in order to promote arts and culture, interfaith dialogue and an appreciation of Muslim cultures and civilization beyond what we know.

This program will simultaneously create a popular visitor destination with access to both local and international media, draw sizeable crowds and eventually become self-sustaining. The Bridge of Light Project will be led by Creative Director Michael Green (artist) and Executive Advisors, including The Britslam Partnership, London, which specializes in promoting Muslim-West relations today and has worked with the UK court, State Department and various international organizations.

(Pending Funding)

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