Park51 Wellness Center
Park51 Wellness Center:
Alternative Medicine Fused With Traditional Islamic HealingThere is a renewed thirst for sacred knowledge and a growing interest in traditional healing and medicine. Based on this demand, Park51 will establish a Wellness Center modeling the study and practice of traditional Islamic healing methods as well as allopathic medicine through programmatic activities including, but not limited to, lectures, workshops, classes and therapeutic services. Practitioners in meditation, yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy, counseling and nutrition will provide in-house consultations at the Wellness Center. These will be fused with Islamic concepts of wellness, such as attar, hijamah, herbal medicine, and subtle-energy healing. The aim is to promote the idea of “wellness” while educating the public about the value of Islamic healing and its legacy of progressive medical thinking and practice.
This comprehensive program will be led by Hakim Mirza Ilyas al-Kashani.